Friday 4 November 2016

Central Intelligence opening scene analysis

Central intelligence opening scene analysis

As the Waren bros. Pictures logo comes up on the screen, in the background a song is played called 'My lovin' by en vogue. This song is upbeat, with a high tempo giving the film a good and happy vibe. The screen then switches to a long shot of a building with the writing 'Central high school' this indicates to the audience that  this scene will be played in a high school, it is then cut too a hallway with edited in writing saying '20 years ago' as this obvious flashback is going to be seen, this will intrigue the audience and lead them to carry on watching as they do not know what is occurring in the present within the film. As the camera shows the door to a boys locker room, it shows a close up of a radio to show the audience where the music is coming from, with the sound of a shower in the background. As they show the back of an overweight man in the shower he is turns around and the character is revealed implying that he is a main character within the film.  
 He is seen to be dancing with funky moves, singing along to the music as some people might find a naked man dancing to music funny this will imply to the audience that the film is indeed a comedy. He is wearing braces which stererotypically represents a nerd within American films, this denotes that he is not popular within the school as another stereotype of someone unpopular is being overweight. As he is dancing a boy pops round the corner with an evil smile and group of boys crowd around the corner making fun of him. As one of them proceeds to shout at him he suddenly turns around and the camera moves to a close up of his face in embarrassment which emphasises how mortified he is feeling at that moment. The group of boys then run up towards him and then is cut to the next scene, the fact that the audience does not see what happens to him straight away they are left wondering what happened to him. As the shower incident is occurring it cuts to a gym with students seated around as a man is talking to the audience within the film. He is seen too be old (from the grey hair) and wearing coloured suit, stereotypically headteachers in American films are quite old and his suit symbolizes power and importance causing the audience to assume that he is the headteacher at the school. 

As he is talking he then proceeds to talk about someone and then introduces a young man onto the stage, everyone in the audience is cheering loudly for him denoting that they have a lot of respect for him, as some even chant 'Golden jet' this all shows how popular he is within the school which is a huge contrast to the previous boy who is made fun of and is extremely unpopular. As he starts his speech, non-diegetic slow music is played fitting his speech emphasising how inspiring the speech is. He even shouts out his girlfriend who is attractive which shows how good his life is as opposed to the boy in the shower. Suddenly the music stops, and the doors open with the shower boy being pushed through into the gym from the boys who were mocking him. As he is pushed to the floor is silent causing tension and then every student within the film starts laughing at him lying naked on the floor, this will leave the viewer feeling sorry for the boy as his facial expression is mortified. However, as everyone laughs the popular boy looks at him in remorse showing compassion as he gives him his jumper to hide his body, the stereotype of a typical popular boy in films is then subverted as he is showing compassion towards the not-so popular boy. In this scene the director fully shows the contrast between the two boys as the audience clapped and cheered for the popular boy for laughed and mocked the un-popular boy.  

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